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Exams, Tasks & v3.3 “Mriya”

30th September, 2021
Sam Webster

Sam Webster

Software Developer

Like the mighty Antonov An-225 Mriya, v3.3 is packed full of updates and new features. There are some big enhancements to the LMS including MoS updates, Course Completion Certificate, PDF’s and more. Plus the new exam system and tasks system are out for beta testing!

Exam System Beta

The exam system has been rebuilt from the ground up and is now fundamentally integrated and with V3, making it easier to manage the exam system from one system instead of two. The Exam system is currently in beta, so join our Launchpad program to test it out.

We’ve also worked hard to expand the exam system to allow for more flexible question design, better association to the Manual of Standards - Schedule 3 and better subject and training block referencing which should reduce the need for duplicate questions.

Tasks System Beta

New to V3 is the Tasks system, designed to allow you to do everything from ensuring documents are read, to creating a personal task reminding you to tally the logbooks at the end of the week. The Tasks system is currently in beta, so join our Launchpad program to test it out.

It is incredibly flexible and dynamic, it can be used across the entire organisation, for groups or individuals. Administrators can create one-off tasks for specific staff or students. Anybody can create a personal task for themselves to help them keep track.

Given that both the Tasks and Exam systems are in beta, it’s important to note that if you wish to involve anyone else in your testing and evaluation, they must also be opted-in to the Launchpad program to be able to interact with these systems.

Manual Logbook Entries

You can now have a fully digital, paperless copy of your logbook in Smart. We have added the ability to add manual entries to keep your records in sync and also adjustment entries so you can initialise your Smart logbook with your existing totals, rather than enter years of entries line-by-line.

Course Completion Certificate

Now accessible via “Students” you can generate a course completion certificate in two varieties, one showing the most recent passing assessment, and the other with the most recent, pass or fail, which is helpful when trying to check records or do a gap analysis leading up to a test.

Manual of Standards Versioning

To help you keep your LMS in-step with the latest Manual of Standards, like the changes to A5 in Schedule 2, we have provided new tools to allow you to update your LMS at your discretion. You can visit “Competencies” to update your existing copy of Schedule 2 and now you can also add in Schedule 3.

For full details, please read through the updated documentation for these new changes to gain a deeper understanding of how this may impact your organisation.

Delete Lesson Records

You can now delete lesson records, allowing you to fix up any mistakes and keep your records accurate. This does ripple all the way back to the original event and will remove that too, so be careful and have a read of the documentation before using.

Booking Emails

We have provided some new options for booking emails, which can be adjusted by Administrators in your settings. Booking emails can be sent only when an event is made or cancelled, when they are moved/edited, or not at all.

Wrap Up

Many other small features and fixes were added during this release, see the release notes for full details on what has changed, including a better date & time picker site-wide.

We are busy working on the next round of updates, like handling Flight Reviews & Proficiency Checks. Until next time!

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