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Waypoints, Cards, Retrospective Editing, Unit Certificates, SARTIME & v3.8 “Squirrel”

10th February, 2024
Sam Webster

Sam Webster

Software Developer

We’re well and truly back into it for 2024. You may have been staying in the loop with our “Latest News” - bite sized information which we update with each release, but either way it’s time for a good wrap up. Let’s dive in!


No longer do you need to manually add in the waypoints you use. We did a big overhaul of the waypoints system to have just about every waypoint in the world all preloaded and ready to go. This should make things faster and easier, supporting dynamic operating environments. If you find a waypoint is missing, or incorrect, please let our team know and we will fix it right up.

77,000+ Waypoints
Waypoints Manager
Updated Waypoints Selection
Waypoint Select


ASIC cards can now be added, and managed via the dedicated “Cards” section, much the same as how you manage your licences and medicals. This means you no longer need to make custom expirations and documents to track ASICs.

Administrators can also choose in their operational settings if and when ASICs are required for booking and dispatch. If you have other common cards you need to track, reach out to our team about adding them in.

ASIC Cards
ASIC Cards

Retrospective Editing

We know you have been wanting this one for a while and you can now retrospectively edit events after they have been completed, the flight has been returned and the lesson record completed. If you change aircraft, everything moves over, the maintenance, the logbooks, all records, and the same if you change students.

This helps administrators clean up problems, and supports dynamic environments where things can change on the spot, saving you from having to delete and start again.

Retrospective Event Editing
Edit Event

Unit Certificates

A lot of organisations needed to better track progress at the unit level, as they either represented a milestone in the students training, for RTO obligations, or many other reasons.

Now you can generate unit certificates where you would generate a course certificate. We also updated the certificates to more clearly indicate what performance criteria have not been achieved yet.

Generate Unit Certificates
Unit Certificates


Cancel SARTIMEs directly from the dispatch return, right from the scheduler. There is also a new SARTIME status panel at the top of the scheduler, and the events themselves (including the hover card) show the SARTIME status as well. This will help situational awareness and make managing SARTIMEs easier.

Scheduler SARTIME Information
Scheduler SARTIME Information

The Rest

Lately we have been using a new approach of updating the “Latest News” when we release a new version of Smart - you can access this from the dashboard anytime and it will automatically open when a new release is out. So far the feedback on this has been really positive, thank you!

As always, please check out the release notes for all the details, but here are some other changes to mention:

  • Ability to download all lesson plans in a course or unit.
  • Ability to open lesson plans from the scheduler and lesson record.
  • Ability to override the “unreturned dispatch” check.
  • Improved event history panel on the scheduler.
  • Ability for students to add notes to their lesson records.
  • Ability to set actual times on roster periods without needing to clock in or out.
  • A 24:00 option to the time range on the scheduler.
  • Easier to see when a site is inactive across the system.

Wrap Up

The team is very focused on putting the final touches on the new communications and notifications system which we can finally announce will be released in the next few weeks. You will be able to send SMS notifications, booking reminders, daily event summaries, and so much more.

Complimenting the notifications is a chat platform where you can message your instructor teams, have dedicated chats about specific events, group chats and direct messaging. We can’t wait to get this out to you, so we better get back to it. Until next time!

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