One Big Update - v3.2.0

Sam Webster
Software Developer
This is our biggest release of the year. Including the introduction of the finance and safety management system, so please grab a coffee and see what we've been up to.
Finance System
We all know at the end of the day, it boils down to dollars and cents. Being able to keep tabs on the financials of your organisation is critical and we knew how important it was to get this right. So we are pleased to let you know that the new finance system has been released. Our new finance system can function completely stand-alone, or be tightly integrated with Xero, with more 3rd party integrations in the future.
There is honestly so much to this system, the team have really gone above and beyond to deliver a next gen experience. Our new finance system provides you with the ability to invoice all your events and flights, create custom products and prices for all your resources, define automation that build up your invoices automatically, manage customer accounts, overdrawn accounts and that's scratching the surface.
We're also really excited to announce this new finance system will calculate your forecast revenue, so you can quickly and at a glance view your forecast flight and event revenue for the week, fortnight, quarter and more. There is so much more to this system, but we have so much more to cover. If you want to learn more please reach out to the team who are more than happy to help.
Safety Management System
A ground up redesign, we wen't back to the drawing board and poured over the documentation from CASA, ICAO and the CAA to develop a SMS that was going to be appropriate and relevant for aviation in 2021. We closely modeled our system to reflect best practice and align with the regulator. You will find our system should work hand in hand with the safety management system resource kit produced by CASA.
If there was one big takeaway from all the research into an SMS, it's that it should be tailored and customised to suit your specific organisation. We wanted to ensure the new SMS was not so static and rigid that it couldn't be customised to suit your operations. We feel that our SMS can now scale to suit any operation of any scale. We have consolidated and peared back certain areas to lower the barrier of entry, making it easier to engage with the system and report, process and respond quickly and efficiently.
We have also expanded certain areas like the new Risks to function stand alone, allowing new organisations to build up a risk register and proactively manage safety before any reports have occurred. Additionally, we've made it easier for anyone in the organisation to lodge a hazard or incident report straight from the dashboard.
For V3 we have broken out surveys into their own separate area, and while we pre-load the option to use the CAIR and Safety Culture Index surveys as part of your SMS, which we know many of you use, you can now also use the survey system inside Smart for any kind of survey.
This removes the need for other paper based or 3rd party survey systems, and enables you to do things like course/unit completion surveys, exit surveys, vox pops or anything you can imagine, its no longer limited to just the SMS.
We are really excited about these. Brand new for V3, Tags provide a totally customisable way for you to categorise, collect and bunch information together. We have initially limited tags to a few key areas like the SMS so we can ensure they work as intended.
We do plan to expand these across the system to allow for a very powerful and system wide way to catalogue and cluster traditionally separate systems. The best part is that they are defined by you, and the kind of language and terminology your organisation uses.
Waypoints are back, and with the interactive map they are super easy to create and edit. With decimal degrees to degrees, minutes, seconds conversion built right in automatically, you can use whichever system you like to make entering a waypoint manually, like from the ERSA a piece of cake. Alternatively just drag the marker on the map to it's new home, it will even detect the appropriate timezone.
With these new waypoints we can now perform TOFL/BOD and TOLL/EOD checking on dispatch, and even give an approximate split of day and night hours. You can set the waypoints during booking, but don't worry if it's not known, you can always set or change them at dispatch.
Smart is not a small system, and trying to remember every button, feature and function is next to impossible. So with 3.2 we have introduced documentation, which can be found at the bottom of the sidebar. This is still a growing resource, so it may not cover every corner just yet, but it's growing quickly and will be a helpful way to not only refer back to something you may not have used in a while, but also for onboarding or training staff and students where required.
Everything Else
We also added event statuses, so you can see which bookings are scheduled, in progress or completed. The instructor and student are also shown on the event card, so no need to edit to see who's booked anymore. We made some tweaks to aircraft maintenance to load fast and stay on the same aircraft after updating or refreshing. The Aircraft Upcoming Maintenance and Flight and Duty report also got some much needed enhancements.
There really is just too much to mention here, for all the details please check out the release notes for a complete list of all the new features, changes and fixes in 3.2.
What's Next
Now that we have these last big pieces of the puzzle in place, we have been amassing plenty of great feedback from everyone who has been using the platform so far. Our big focus for now is to take that feedback and stabilise the platform as it stands, to make it more robust, faster, and flush out the bugs.
We also want to ensure the existing functionality works as expected and is enhanced and expanded where required. We know things were quieter than normal while the team was working hard on 3.2 behind the scenes, but you can expect a return to smaller, but more frequent updates and fixes as we move forward.