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RAAus Support, Student Progress Dashboard & v3.6 "X-1"

12th December, 2022
Sam Webster

Sam Webster

Software Developer

This one is massive. Tis the season, so to cap the year off we are releasing two big ticket features, first is RAAus support including licences (certificates) and medicals. Second is the Student Progress Dashboard. We’re really excited for this one, let’s dive in.

RAAus Support

Smart now supports RAAus! You can now pick RAAus as an Issuer for licences and medicals, including all ratings and endorsements. Administrators can also set your organisation to use RAAus as the Primary Regulatory Authority under Settings. We also know many organisations offer both CASA and RAAus training, more on that below.

Aircraft Level Regulators

Now you can set which regulator each individual aircraft uses. It will default to the Primary Regulatory Authority for the organisation, but for those who offer mixed fleets & training like both CASA and RAAus you can select what specific regulator that aircraft is under, and that will control the licence, medical and other regulator specific checks during booking and dispatching.

Student Progress Dashboard

The new Student Progress Dashboard brings something brand new to Smart - a fully interactive, full screen dashboard that allows you to see all your students across all your courses and how they are progressing lesson to lesson across the whole course. You can see how student intakes are progressing relative to each other, identify trends like lessons with consistent repeats across all students, see which students need additional help, all at a glance.

Students Dashboard

Press on any of the icons to open up that lesson record for that student. Press on any empty square to book that student for that lesson on the scheduler. Between this screen and the scheduler, you can access 90% of what you would need for almost any day. This dashboard has two modes, Single Monitor and Multi Monitor, for the power users in the room, you will love Multi Monitor mode, with the scheduler on one screen and this new Student dashboard on the other, when making new bookings, the dashboard will remotely control the scheduler rather than keep opening more and more tabs.

There are also different views to choose from, based on how you will use the dashboard. Operations view is designed to keep things simple, by cutting the noise to make scheduling easy. Compliance view shows more insights and data to allow you to extract trends, student performance, course progression, and other key metrics at a glance.

The Rest

As always, there is a load more in this release than we can mention here, so please check out the release notes for all the details - having said that, there is a new detailed Event Cancellations report with the ability to un-cancel events, better invoice navigation, required resources on finance automations, and much more.

Wrap Up

This marks our last release of new features for 2022. What a year it has been for everyone. We acknowledge everyone who has stuck with us and supported home grown software, helping Smart get to where it is thanks to your loyalty, feedback and support. We can’t wait for 2023, the iOS/Android App, and the list of new features we have lined up for you.

The new interactive Student Progress Dashboard, remote scheduler control, RAAus support, ability to run mixed-regulator fleets, all with Smart’s deep integration and compliance that the platform is known for across the industry, makes our platform unique and like no other. We strive to always improve and do better, always taking on every point of feedback, even if it takes time, we’ll get to it. Thank you all, until next time.

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