Tweaks & Fixes - v3.1.2
Sam Webster
Software Developer
In this release we focused on tweaking things to run smoother and faster along with fixing bothersome bugs. We did manage to cram a little extra in though!
Better Safari Experience
The amount of options that are available to use for V3 are pretty vast, from your phone to a desktop, and then from your browser like Chrome or Safari. If you map out all the combinations, it becomes clear that not one size fits all. This means Smart has to be able to work on multiple different systems. Making matters worse, they all do things slightly different, and Apple's Safari browser is no exception. We noticed an increasing amount of bugs related to Safari, primarily due to date and time based inputs which, we are happy to say, should behave a lot nicer moving forward. We do always recommend you use a browser like Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge as they will, in our opinion, provide a better experience.
Small Enhancements
We didn't release any major new functionality this time, but the finance system is edging closer and we think you'll absolutely love it. We did, however, make logbook times round to two decimals when returning a flight, along with fixing a gross error maintenance check. We also added, as requested, Average Fuel Flow calculations on the Aircraft Flight Report. This was a relatively small tweak on our side, but we know it will make a massive difference to the organisation who requested it, dropping the need for a separate process, system & spreadsheet for their reporting to CASA. As always, we welcome feedback and ideas so please keep them coming in and we'll do our best to integrate them.
Bug Fixes
This release is primarily about bugs, and while we usually wouldn't go into detail here, we know many of these have been causing problems for you. Importantly, many wouldn't have been found without you reporting them to us and sending in tickets. So here is the list!
- A bug with how a student's completed lesson hours were calculated.
- A bug where the incorrect grade was being shown on certain lesson records.
- A bug with how aircraft "time-to-run" was being calculated under some circumstances.
- A bug when trying to edit a lesson record under some circumstances.
- A bug when trying to view lesson records with units that have no lessons in them.
- A bug when using poorly formatted CSV's when importing people.
- A bug with maintenance gross error checking on a flight return.
- A bug when trying to view your own lesson records when none exist.
- A bug when being forced to save optional education settings.
- A bug when trying to show or hide the "before start" setup checklist.
- A bug with determining if a lesson is passed.
- A bug with determining if a unit is passed.
Wrap Up
That's it for now! The team is hard at work and excited to get the next release to you, so we better get back to it!