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Continuous Improvement & v3.3.15

18th March, 2022
Sam Webster

Sam Webster

Software Developer

We’ve added extra permissions to better control Aircraft & Aircraft Maintenance, improved how simulator flights are handled, fixed a whole bunch of bugs, integrated a stack of feedback and continued to work on the new scheduler. Let’s dive in!

Aircraft & Maintenance

Recently we made a raft of updates and enhancements to Aircraft and Aircraft Maintenance, and in this release we’ve added more permissions to allow for even more control over access to these respective areas. We’ve also added more information to the Aircraft Flight report, along with CSV export options.

Permissions Layout

It’s now much easier for administrators to navigate the permissions editor, with permissions now grouped and sorted by the areas they relate to. As there are so many permissions, and potential configurations to suit your specific operation can be limitless, being able to see and manage these clearly is key to making sure the right people can interact with the right areas.

Simulator Flights

Dispatching simulators is now much easier, with checks against the PIC’s Licences & Medicals now bypassed, as they are not required, to better streamline and improve efficiency for simulator operations. Logbook entries for the PIC and Other Pilot on simulator flight returns are now fully optional, as in many circumstances they are not needed or required, but can be optionally filled out if you wish.

Integrating Feedback

If you’ve submitted a support ticket at any point, you’re probably familiar with Ben - he’s the front line of our support, and one of the developers on the team. Everytime you request a change or have feedback, he will ensure it is meticulously entered into our internal systems and managed as the team processes and works through them. This release includes many, many tweaks, additions and enhancements, all of which are a direct result of your feedback and ideas.

Bug Fixes

We crushed many bugs in this release. We know that no one likes bugs and will always be on the crusade to act on them as fast as possible. We appreciate your ongoing diligence in reporting these, along with accurate and detailed instructions on how to reproduce, as some can be quite niche requiring very specific circumstances for certain operations in order to pop up.

Wrap Up

Work continues on the new scheduler, a big job, but also the epicentre of the Smart universe. It’s the most heavily used part of the system, interacts with a mountain of data, and has to be highly dynamic so you can book a multi-event flight lesson, series of briefings, charter flights, meetings, and everything in between. The team is really excited to share this with you all soon. Until next time!

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