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Duplicate Courses & v3.3.9

7th January, 2022
Sam Webster

Sam Webster

Software Developer

We are back on deck for 2022! We hope you all had a good time during the holiday season and a happy New Year. This release packs a punch with the ability to duplicate content across the LMS. Improvements to Flight & Duty and more, let’s go!

Duplicating Courses, Units & Lessons

You can now duplicate existing courses! Just select the ones you want using the checkboxes, then from “Bulk Actions” use “Duplicate” to easily make copies of existing courses, very handy when making either new courses to align with funding, student intakes, or just similar content - this makes scaffolding them much quicker than starting from scratch.

For more control you can also add existing units to other courses, go to the units for a given course, then select “Add Existing Unit” from the “Actions” dropdown, from there you can select a unit from an existing course to add in. This also extends to lessons - when viewing the lessons in a unit, again use the “Actions” dropdown to access “Add Existing Lesson” and bring in existing lessons.

There are options to either bring over or reject the existing mappings along with associated qualifications, depending on what you are trying to achieve, be it a near clone or more of an empty shell to scaffold from. We encourage you to read the updated documentation to learn more.

Flight & Duty Enhancements

As we make steps toward the new rostering system coming soon, we have made some supporting enhancements to the Flight & Duty system. Administrators can now set a default CAO 48 Appendix for the organisation as well as decide per-person whether rostering and the enforcement of flight & duty should apply. Make sure to update your settings under the “Operations” tab, then visit “People” and edit the people you wish for this to apply to.

By popular demand, we have also made an administrator version of the flight & duty tracker on the dashboard. Admins can now more easily check and track cumulative limits for their team. We also updated the flight & duty tracker to show the last 7 days of flight & duty time regardless of whether the associated appendix calls for it as so many of you like this information at a glance regardless.

Time Clock

We have relocated the time clock to the top of the screen, next to where you access notifications & tasks. Many of you requested this process be easier, and now you can clock in and out from anywhere in the system. There are also far more options to clock in & out at either the scheduled time, the current time, or pick a time yourself. You can now also clock in “on the fly” without needing to have a roster period set, helping those in dynamic operations where things can change at any time, particularly for contract and casual situations.

The Next Mission

The team have spent the break recharging the batteries and are chomping at the bit to get cracking on 2022. Stage 1 of the new scheduler is completed and the developers are now starting on Stage 2. Our primary goals over the next few months until about April are to finish the build of our new Scheduler which will also include an overhaul of rostering as it will include fully integrated rostering abilities. We are also overhauling the aircraft maintenance system, which will include many requested enhancements. Reporting will continue to see improvements with new reports being added, along with the ability for organisations to control and edit their student's information like their details, licences & medicals.

Wrap Up

As always there were many other fixes and tweaks in this release we couldn’t document in here, so be sure to see the changelog for all the details. You can also reopen and close your own support tickets now too - if you think your issue has been resolved, closing it will help communicate that to our team. We are excited for what’s to come in 2022 and look forward to bringing you everything that we have planned. Until next time!

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