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Group Pricing & v3.3.8

17th December, 2021
Sam Webster

Sam Webster

Software Developer

You can now set the finance system to apply pricing & run automations based on the groups people belong to. We fixed a lot of bugs, continued development on the new Scheduler, and we wrap things up for 2021!

Group Pricing

It is now possible to set pricing for the groups you have configured. This means that, for example, if you have annual or other pricing changes for different student intakes, integrated vs non-integrated, or anything else, you can now define pricing for your products based on the group that person belongs to.

You can also then configure your automations to be “Group Specific” and apply those prices based on the group. When booking, make sure you select the relevant group against the student or customer so the system knows which price to apply.

Scheduler Progress

The team continues to develop the new scheduler with initial Alpha testing underway. At the moment Stage 1 is the focus, and we are currently integrating the feedback from the Alpha testing to consolidate this first stage before moving to Stage 2 when we return in 2022.

Fixes & Stability

The primary focus this week was all on stability, fixing any bugs that came up, and ensuring the system is stable over the Christmas & New Year break. This release may be lackluster in terms of features, but we know how annoying bugs are, and having the system stable and able to be relied on is obviously just as important as new features.

Christmas Support

We are standing the team down today, the 17th of December. They have been working flat out this year and need some time to recharge before we come back on Tuesday the 4th of January 2022. During this time there will only be limited support for the most critical issues only, though you can still contact us for anything else, but you may not receive a reply until the whole team is back on the 4th.

Wrap Up

This marks our last release for the year. We would like to thank you all for your ongoing support of Smart and V3 of Flight Operations Manager throughout 2021. The last two years have not been easy for anybody in the industry and we know the impact and strain this has had, and we appreciate you sticking with us through thick and thin. Our whole team is super excited for 2022, to bring you our new scheduler and many other great features we have planned.

Our primary focus when we return for 2022 is on the new scheduler and rostering system, a totally revamped Aircraft & Maintenance system, more reporting and the ability to create and edit more student information like their Licences & Medicals.

We wish you a merry Christmas and a safe and happy New Year from our team to you, your family and colleagues. Until next time!

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