In The Pipeline & v3.3.5

Sam Webster
Software Developer
This release sees a number of improvements including the ability to have expirations generated when people (and more) are created. Plus we know how much everyone has been asking about scheduler, roster, aircraft and report enhancements, and we want to share with you our plan for those.
Expirations Enhancements
The expirations system has received an overhaul, where you can now have parent and child expirations, so rather than create the same standard and proficiency check expiration for every instructor by hand, you can now create just the one and assign it to all your instructors. Be sure to check out the updated documentation for all the details.
You can also setup automations for expirations so when a person, or aircraft, or asset is created, the expiration dates have to be set at the same time. There is an option to make them mandatory or not to suit a variety of situations. Regardless, this should streamline the process, cut down on admin time and make it easier to manage multiple expirations.
For existing organisations and administrators, you will find your existing expirations have been converted to standalone ones so they function as they always have. If you wish to take advantage of the parent-child functionality you will need to go and edit your expirations to do so, our team can always help out here and arrange a time to walk through if required.
Scheduler, Roster, Maintenance & Reports
We have got a mountain of feedback from you all about the scheduler, rostering, aircraft maintenance and reporting and we hear you loud and clear. The team is about to hone in on improving, optimising and enhancing these key areas over the next few months to show more information, perform faster and be easier to use. It’s all starting with the scheduler and roster.
There will be a number of enhancements, but some key ones for the scheduler will include the ability to dispatch & return a flight from the scheduler, complete lesson records from the scheduler, better control and customisation of what resources are being shown, removing wasted space to provide a better overall “at a glance” view to take in the whole day in one look, better detection and setting of the student & instructor, recurring bookings and much, much more.
We will also be incorporating the roster into the scheduler, to provide a more natural, intuitive and visual way to roster your team, making it more seamless to transition from rostering and scheduling, showing a persons roster on the scheduler, adding more administrative tools to check staff flight & duty times and cumulative totals, and again, much more than we can mention here.
Then we will be overhauling aircraft maintenance, to include Part 2 of the CASA maintenance release, better handling of VDO/Tacho/Air Switch/Oil Switch or whatever timing method you use in addition to TTIS for maintenance, ability to see historical maintenance and edit existing maintenance information, better upcoming maintenance item information & reporting, ability to see associated flights from the aircraft/maintenance area and many more.
The last major item is reporting, kicking off with the much requested Student Activity Report and Instructor and Aircraft Activity Report. There are many reports, and we will be prioritising them in order of what has been most requested, so if there is a particular report you love and want to see, or a report you want some additional data or calculations on that hasn’t existed before, let us know so we can incorporate that into the process.
We will of course be maintaining the system as we always have throughout this process, including bug fixes and other smaller tweaks & enhancements, but we wanted to share the roadmap for the next few months with you, we are seriously excited, and can’t wait to get these improvements built and delivered to you.
Wrap Up
This release has a number of fixes and some changes to the LMS, mainly how the competencies in the MoS now appear in the same order as the actual MoS. Check the release notes for all the details on those. Until next time!